

Glue Shaker


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Si ta tundni saktë ngjitësin e qerpikëve? Natyrisht, ju mund të zgjidhni shkundjen manuale të “old school”, por kjo kërkon shumë kohë dhe nuk ju garanton ende rezultate perfekte!

Rekomandim London Lash – përdorni GJITHMONË një shaker ngjitës.


Problems with retention? One of the reasons for this could be the inconsistent proportion of the glue ingredients in the bottle throughout the glue’s lifetime. In order to avoid this problem – you always need to shake your glue very well.

How to correctly shake your lash adhesive? Of course, you can opt for “old school” manual shaking, but it’s very time consuming and it still doesn’t guarantee you the perfect results! 

London Lash recommendation – ALWAYS use a Glue Shaker.

What’s so great about it?

  • No more wrist strain from manual shaking 
  • 5-15 seconds mixing time VS 1-2 minutes of manual shaking, which gives you more time to lash!
  • Uses centrifugal force to mix the glue ensuring optimal combination 
  • Thoroughly mixed glue guarantees a perfect retention
  • No glue stuck in the nozzle
  • Easy to assemble
  • Compact and lightweight, it looks super cute on your lash trolley
  • Clients will see (and hear!) how professional you are!


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